I think what should also be taken into consideration is what workflow you will be using and what objects/subjects you will be photographing.
For example if you are intending to process at Ultra High, if you choose JPEG or raw workflow, what F stops you will be working at.
For generating the mesh I do not think the lens should matter that much unless you process at Ultra High (if I recall correctly High is processing the images at 50% scale).
We have had great results with just the standard 18-55mm kit lenses (head scans, over f11, raw, processing at High, textures 4-8k+) I think it is a good idea to try them first and they come basically for free.
We have actually used the 1100Ds a lot and even with them you can get great results though my favorite is the 100D.
Also, if you are in the US there are places like lensrental where you can rent gear to try out.
For general photography I cannot agree more with nadar though, the glass is IMO the most important thing (we have lots of L glass and they are lovely, hehe)
Best, Magnus.