Hi everyone !
After managing some tests with different cameras (UAV DJI Phantom 4, ActionCam GoPro Hero 4, ...),
I was able to define
the minimal size a coded target should have in order to be detected !Tests parameters :I have handled my tests with
12 bits target, because they present, according to the user manual, the most ability to be detected.
Result :In order to be detected, the center point of a PhotoScan 12 bits target have to cover a minimum of 9-10 pixels on the imageApplication :For instance, for a photogrammetric survey with a defined
GSD of 1cm, the center point of the target should be around
10cm minimum (10 x GSD). As the global diameter of the target is 3.5 times the diameter of the center point,
the whole target should have a minimum size of 35cm. (35 x GSD).
To be printed :As the center point diameter should be egal or greater than 10 x GSD, the
Center point radius should be set at 5 x GSD or more.
For non-normal view :I didn't handled precise measurements but I can say the angle of view is not the main limitation in automatic detection. For UAV survey with nadiral images for example, the limit of detection will be the effective GSD on the target when the camera will fly away from the target position, and not the angle a view.
Hope it can help