Hello, thanks for your feedback.
The part of the matlab pre-treatment would interest me a lot. Is there some standard routine you're using or did you write some code?
Ironically the white patches between the branches and leaves seem to lead to correct results (assuming that there is no movement of the branches). I should check if results (from the point of view of the alignment) get better or worst when masking them...
Concerning the stereo cam issue: The thing is my case is, that I' collecting images using drones. So there is eventually the weight limitation. Which camera are you using?
An finally the thing with the cloud export. The problem about this is that it is not possible to re-import the data (edited point cloud) in PS. This issue is being discussed here:
http://www.agisoft.ru/forum/index.php?topic=2466.msg14693#msg14693Ahh, and finally, your video is nice, but let's say, I'm missing the tree there, hehe

I'm working with trees which go from 5 to 25 m and the method will be used (or shell be used) with trees up to 40m. You might imagine the challange this is....
Let's keep in contact...
Best regards