Hi Agisoft,
I'm doing a lot of work with rather poor data sets, like legacy images taken many years ago, not necessarily ideal for photogrammetry but trying to get the best results I can out of them.
Using this type of data what I often see is that I try to align for instance 100 pictures, and then PhotoScan only manages to align 30 or so of them (even though the pictures do in theory overlap -> probably issues with image quality). However, if I then take the remaining 70 pictures into a new chunk, PhotoScan will again manage to align say 25 pictures, creating another big chunk of the subject I'm trying to model.
It would be nice if instead of having to re-run the photo alignment phase each time, Agisoft PhotoScan would just say something like "PhotoScan has detected multiple chunks in this data set - save to different chunks?". And then save the 30 first aligned images into the initial chunk, and the 25 'secondary' aligned images into a new chunk.
I know VisualSfM has a feature like this (when you use up or down arrows you switch between the different chunks it's found) so I'm sure it's not too hard to implement