
Author Topic: Break lines, manual DTM editing  (Read 4091 times)


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Break lines, manual DTM editing
« on: September 11, 2014, 10:24:03 AM »
I am a professional surveyor and was suprised with the automatic functions that really work in Photoscan. So far, I am very happy with the photo alignment and really fast production of the orthophoto. But, for the final result, I need to have much simpler and accurate DTM that can be used for the contour generation. For now, I am just exporting the orientation australis file as well as camera calibration and using it in Photomod to finalize the product, BUT I would like to be able to make it directly in the Photoscan. For that I would like to have some aditional 3D screen that would enable me to draw my breaklines and ground points manually. So, the final outcome DTM shouldn't have millions of points but rather hundreds. That's something that surveyors need to represent the terrein as simple as possible but accurate.
Is there a chance to have such a funcion in the future version of the Photoscan? Or, if you have any better idea than Photomod (Racurs), please, advise me.