Hi Everyone
I have been doing some testing of control placement to see see how it affects surface models.
Attached is an isopac of Surface A and Surface B. The red dots are my control marks, placed by RTK GPS. Surface A used all the control marks and Surface B only used the ones in the corners. As you can see in some places the differences are around 200mm, I was expecting the two surfaces be a lot closer than this.
I am aware that some of this area is outside my control, but i am only interested in the area within my control area, I have left this in purely for interests sake.
Processing stats ETC.
Area Description - Flat paddock with trees around the outside
Photos - 524
Resolution - 24 MP
Alignment - Medium, 15,000 point limit
Control - Added all markers, optimized, tweaked points and optimized again
Dense Point Cloud - Medium, Aggressive depth filtering
Mesh - LOW from dense point cloud
Does anyone know what is causing this or have come across this before?