Hi all,
I'm really struggling with trees in my orthomosaics. I'm using a NEX 5T with a 16mm lens for these photos. As you can see in the image, the trees often have sharp edges or are ghosted over other parts.
http://extrazoom.com/image-16882.html?s=huln50x50 This was done with 80/60 overlap, and is two chunks of ~100 photos each @7MB apiece. I generated a sparse cloud, mesh, and texture (since the mosaic doesn't seem to be any better for a dense cloud). There is no GCP data, since I'm having issues geotagging the photos from my flight controller.
Photoscan makes awesome 3D point clouds, but the mosaics are just ok. Is there any way to make a better mosaic? Should I use different software? Better photosets? Better workflow?
Let me know if you would like to look at my photosets or need additional information on my workflow and settings.
Secondly, what software do you use to view your mosaics? Specifically, ones for Macs and PCs and also hosted online. I've found some free ones that work okay, but was wondering about other options.
Thanks for any help!