Hi bruno,
Exactly like you, I try to have the best sparse points clouds to optimise camera alignment. And I am so very interested in understanding the functionning of the great new feature of photoscan 1.1 regarding the selection of "best" tie points. But I think there is currently no agreement on what would be the best set of tie point for optimization, apart from the fact that it is better to have a limited number of tie point well distributed on every images and viewed on more than two cameras than having a large number of tie points seen only on two cameras and localised on a specific location of the images.
Thanks, to Alexey Pasumansky's help, I exported tie points of photoscan 1.1 (generated with a tie point limit of 1000 per camera) into another software (micmac from ign France) in order to compute the residual for each tie points. What I have found out is that tie points residual, which is often used as a quality measurement, is less good than for tie points generated in photoscan 1.0.4. On the other hand, about 80 percent of tie points computed with photoscan 1.1 were shared by more than 2 cameras.
In summary, I think that the "gradual slection" to suppress outliers in the sparce point cloud is (was) a bad approach, because tie point residual is not a fair measurement of its quality. The quality of cameras alignement should be checked with external measures (ground control points or embedded GPS/camera location).