I have 13 chunks, for 1-9 the Ortho gets create with the world file. For 10-13 only the Ortho get created, has anyone else had this problem?
Only thing I can think of is "filename = chunk.label" is somehow not working correctly...?
for chunk in doc.chunks:
doc.active = active_chunk
filename = chunk.label
chunk.crs = crs
chunk.projection = crs
dem_path = r"{}\DEM_{}.tif".format(path, filename)
ortho_path = r"{}\Ortho_{}.jpg".format(path, filename)
export_to_orthophoto(chunk, ortho_path, projection=crs)
def export_to_orthophoto(chunk, path, format='jpg', blending='mosaic', color_correction=False, projection=crs, write_kml=False, write_world=True):
print ("\nExporting ({}, {}, {}, {}) Orthophoto...\n".format(path, format, blending, color_correction, write_kml=False, write_world=True))
result = chunk.exportOrthophoto(path, format, blending, color_correction, projection, write_kml=False, write_world=True)
return result