
Author Topic: Intel Core i7 5960X, 3.0 GHz, Eight Core or 2 x Intel Xeon E5-2640V3, 8 Cores,  (Read 7905 times)


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Hello everyone,

We would like to invest in a new work station mainly for the use of Photoscan Pro. Most of the time we are working with picture sets of around 120 images and a quality of 16mpx.

I found a lot of useful information which brings me to some conclusions and a lot of questions.

In the forum it is often mentioned that a Geforce GTX 780 is not inferior towards its titan counterpart. Is this still true; or will this be still be true for future versions of Agisoft?

Xeon processors are described to not have a big  advantage over the i7 series. But, in the new Photoscan Pro requirements section Dual Xeon Workstations are lisited as High-End solution.
What investment would be more future oriented Intel Core i7 5960X, 3.0 GHz, Eight Core or 2 x Intel Xeon E5-2640V3, 8 Cores?

Last but not least, is information available about DDR3 towards DDR4 performance?

Thanks everyone for your input,

Alexey Pasumansky

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Hello Anjo,

We haven't yet tested new eight-core i7 CPUs like 5960x, but due to considerable lower frequency then six-core i7 4960x the overall performance may be similar to this system.

The double Xeon system based on E5-2640v3 would show, as we assume, performance similar to six-core i7, due to low CPU frequency. Based on some of our tests I can mention that workstation based on 2x Xeon E5-2667v2 (3.3 GHz) is about 20-25% faster than i7 4960x on some sample datasets (not including OpenCL processing on GPU).

As for graphic cards, GTX 780Ti and GTX TITAN Black edition from nVidia would show max. performance (not taking into account GTX 980 cards), and as for AMD alternative we can suggest Radeon R9 290x.
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC


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My 5 year old motherboard is dying so I just bit the bullet and upgraded to a Core i7 5960X. I use a lot of multi-threading software (Premiere and 3Ds Max).  I just read this:  which vindicates the 5960X for these multi-threading software programs. 
« Last Edit: November 25, 2014, 06:21:46 AM by Brit »