I switch recently from 1.0.4 to 1.1, after processing the same images I got strange results (manually AND with the python-interface!):
The PDF-report shows (why is no option for an ascii-export of the report...?):
Page 2: Survey Data:
Number of images: 514
Flying altitude: 260.191 m
Ground resolution: 0.0791013 m/pix
Coverage area: 2.33455 sq km
Camera stations: 514
Tie-points: 78246
Projections: 343834
Error: 2.22708 pix
Page 4: Ground Control Points:
Total (last line):
X-Error (m): 0.007136
Y-Error (m): 0.013967
Z-Error (m): 0.022269
Error (m): 0.027238
Projections: 23
Error (pix): 0.296075
Page 6: DEM:
Resolution: 4.24915 m/pix
Point density: 0.0553855 points per sq m
The ortho was export with 7cm resolution and is looking perfectly, the DEM was exported with 4.2m and was (of course...) very coarse.
Forcing the DEM-export down to 7cm revealed, that the technical pixelsize was 7cm, but the effective level-of-detail was still 4.2m.