
Author Topic: Alignment with multiple cameras - does order matter?  (Read 3497 times)


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Alignment with multiple cameras - does order matter?
« on: January 01, 2015, 12:37:42 AM »
Just curious if the order of loading images into PhotoScan matters for alignment step because of some results I got with Ricoh GR and Canon D10:

I processed a flight after loading GR images into PhotoScan before D10 and had minimal "bowl" effect, but when I processed another after loading the D10 before the GR, the bowl effect was pronounced. In both cases, "generic" pair pre-selection was selected.

The GR is mounted at about 7° angle relative to flight path (and has a prime/fixed lens), while the D10 is mounted parallel to flight path and has a zoom lens.

This, along with some inconsistencies in reconstruction extent using both vs one camera has me wondering if the order matters.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2015, 01:21:21 AM by andyroo »