Few weeks ago wanted to test another sw for photogrammetry, but have asked on their forum with my WISHGRANTER account one simple thing to get reply from user there. But they BLOCKED my IP and even deactivated accounts there

so my "name" is very well know to them and they fear my Q/A on their app... feel a bit happy....
They compared AGI with their sw, so wanted know what settings they used for that reconstruction,
that mean they are a bit nervous what we can do with agi :-D
Ok back to thread stuff. AGI is not the lifesaver on everything but the easy work, good results and this forum is full of people who help other, yes could be even better but as you see we have solved a lot of yours problems too and with very fast reply... not everything is easy to implement to Photoscan and there are special cases that need a bit longer to solve....
Not everything can be solved over day or so but im not alone who want and can help you. So when have problems feel free to ask...
Marcel can share the data so can test it with my knowledge of the AGI software ??