Hi, just went through the process of trialing/considering different products.
Considered Agisoft, PIX4D, Imagine Photogrammetry, Inpho, Imagine UAV and a few others
We fly forest areas for harvest tracking, Silviculture, forest age class/species/stocking/height mapping and other.
At the moment we use a Hasselblad H4D-60 mounted in a Cessna 172, having timing issues between camera and GPS/IMU so processing images with only GCP's at the moment. Control comes from out sourced Ortho's at 2m accuracy.
Our goal was to produce ortho mosaics and view imagery in SAFA(Stereo Analyst for ArcGIS)
Now looking at use of point cloud data for Forest height inventory.
We have been very satisfied with the results from Agisoft and Alexey has been very helpful.