Well your right about the limitations that all current systems have.
Our main goal is to use Arial photo's to reconstruct a city/rural area, but because of the high expectations and quality standard my company has we require a lot of overlap so we can shoot the area in one go.
This however has the downside of generating a lot of images that has to be processed.
And it take like, forever to get a mesh out of it.
Currently i am running some test with 500 images, but that will likely increase overtime to incorporate a larger area. Processing the mesh at "Medium Quality" with around 500 images will make the program halt on the "Generate Mesh" stage, and it gives me the " Out of memory" error. Kinda annoying but it generates it nevertheless with "Low".
Perhaps a question for you Alexey Pasumansky, what would you recommend as a system that has to be able to process a lot of images (500+)?