I did some tests to find out what the the influence of the Key Point Limit is on the alignment because it always bugged me not knowing what what Key Point Limit was high enough.
This is the project I used for testing, a scan of an rusty sewer lid:
It's photographed with a D800 and a 35mm lens, and has a total of 52 photos at 36MP resolution.
I ran alignments with the following settings:
Accuracy: High
Pair pre-selection: Generic
Key point limit: from 1000 all the way up to 320000
Tie point limit: 0 (no limit)
Quick explanation of the settings:
AccuracyAt High accuracy, Photoscan uses the full resolution photo (Medium would use the image at 50%, Low at 25%).
Pair Pre SelectionWith Pair pre-selection set to Generic, Photoscan will make a quick pre-scan to see which photos share the same view. If photos do not share the same view then it makes no sense to compare the points in the photos. This makes the alignment much faster (and with good quality photos it has no impact on quality at all)
Key Point LimitThe maximum number of points Photoscan will extract from each photo. For a high quality 36 Megapixel photo the maximum number of points that can be extract is usually around 240000. For a 21 Megapixel photo this is generally 180000 points.
Tie Point LimitThis setting has been added not so long ago. I am not completely sure, but I think when this setting is active Photoscan makes a pre-selection based on (visual) quality of the extract points (so it only compares the highest quality points).
For example, if your Key Point limit is set to 40000 and the Tie Point Limit is set to 1000, then Photoscan will first extract 40000 points for each photo, and only keep the best 1000 points. These 1000 points per photo are then used for the alignment calculations.
This would speed up the alignment a lot because there is only a fraction of the points to compare, but since I am not sure about this setting I have set this value to 0 (=no maximum).
I ran alignments for Key point limits from 1000 all the way up to 320000, and put the results in some graphs.
Number of Points in the Sparse Cloud after alignment:A higher Key point limit means more points in the Sparse Cloud. It starts levelling off after 240.000 points, because the maximum number of points that can be extracted is being reached for some images.
Alignment time:The alignment time is pretty much linear, which was a surprise to me because I expected it to be exponential. The graph varies a bit, because I was using my computer for other things as well so the times are not completely accurate.
Reprojection ErrorThe next graph is the reprojection error:
The Reprojection error is a measure of accuracy of the points, measured in pixels. When you think about this, these values are pretty impressive: Photoscan is able to align the cameras with a sub-pixel accuracy!
The reprojection error for an alignment with 40.000 points is almost twice as big as for an alignment with 120.000 points (0.7 vs 0.4 pixels). But we can optimize the Sparse Point Cloud and redo the camera alignment.
To do this, I have used Edit->Gradual Selection->Reprojection Error with a value of 0.5 and removed those points. This gets rid of all points with a reprojection error larger than 0.5 (about a third of the points in the Sparse Cloud) Then I used Tools->Optimize Cameras to redo the alignment of the cameras. After optimizing, the graph for the reprojection error looks like this.
So after optimization the reprojection error is pretty much the same for all Key point limits (and I did not loose that many points) . The reprojection error now has values around 0.25, so Photoscan managed to align the cameras with a precision a quarter of a pixel!
I tried optimizing the point cloud even further by using "Gradual Selection -> Reconstruction Uncertainty = 8", but the reprojection error actually increased slightly after these optimizations. I don't think the accuracy is actually worse (since I deleted bad points), so maybe the reprojection error is not the best indicator of the accuracy of the alignment?
Dense Cloud QualityAll this talk about Reprojection Error is pretty theoretical, what is the effect on the Dense Point Cloud?
I did a Dense Cloud reconstruction at "High" quality for the various alignments. I converted the result to a normalmap, because we know from experience that a normalmap shows problems really well.
10000 points: there are some cameras that are excluded from the Dense Cloud reconstruction, so the Dense Cloud has some holes. Also, there is some general noise all over the scan.
20000 points: looks much better, but there is a very slight noise (only visible if you overlay the normalmaps).
40000 points: scan looks good
more than 40000 points: no visible difference in quality.
I also did a comparison with the Dense Cloud build at the Ultra quality setting. There wasn't any visible difference either.
ConclusionThe default value for the Key point limit (40000 points) seems to be well chosen. I don't see any improvement in quality of the Dense Cloud when using an alignment with more than 40000 Key points. If you look at the values of the reprojection error after optimization, this actually makes sense. The values are all under 0.3 pixels, which is well under the size of the details in the Dense Cloud. The alignment might be 0.1 pixel more precise, but this is way below the threshold of visibility (I would estimate that details in the Dense Cloud are for structures at least 2-3 pixels in size).
I will probably run my alignments at a higher Key point limit anyway (maybe 120000 points), just to be sure that my alignment is as accurate as possible. The Alignment doesn't take that much time compared to the DC reconstruction, and it gives me that warm safe feeling of doing it right.
Please note that your results may vary: this is a very specific type of scan where all the photos are in the same plane. A more 3D object might need more points for a good alignment. Also, the photos in this project have almost perfect sharpness, so Photoscan has a very good input. If the photos would be less sharp, more points would be deleted during optimization (and using more points might be useful).