Hi all! Im' new to the forum!
I'm a pretty new PS Standard user and i'm enjoying it with a bunch of cave photos i shot time ago for a slideshow (so, they were not shot with photogrammetry in mind, but each shot has a different horizontal position because i used them to build a very rough animation).
Incidentally there is a enough high number of shots of the same room and i could achieve pretty good results, i never tought that photogrammetry could be so precise. Amazing!
And now for my issue: I can subdivide the set of photos in two chunks as they were shooted from two distinct points of view. Both chunks generate a pretty good mesh but i have difficulties in chunks alignment as PS doesn't seem to automatically recognize matching points between the two. Anyway, I'm pretty sure they overlap.
Can i help PS in some way or the only option is to "push and pull" on an external 3D editor trying to match rotation/position and scale?
Thanks! Umberto