Hi James,
You are right, something is wrong with their web site or Euclideon itself. Meixner Imaging has continued their development and I have asked them for the trial version and there was no problem. So, go to the :
http://meixnerimaging.com/and ask them for the trial.
The Geoverse is working as promissed. Nice, smooth and it is making really small files. For example from the PS I have exported dense point cloud with the 300 milion points into the LAS format that was done within two minutes but it was huge.... 7GB. Conversion took 2 minutes only and the resulting UDS file was 308Mb only.. It is very easy to get used to it. I still don't know what is the price.
You can read the coordinates for any point and make distance measurements.. That would satisfy many users.
Just a note, in the conversion process specify the REAL resolution of your Dense Cloud (HIGH = 2x ground resolution)
Best regrds,
Darko Car