I am using version 1.1.5, I have 149 images that look well calibrated and when I try to build a dense point cloud I am getting the error "Can't build Dense Cloud" I searched the forums and have tried cropping the point cloud to make sure that there are not any points too far out and tried turning my video card off in the Open CL settings as well as restarting the application. The problem persists.
I copied this from the console:
[font=courier]Using device: Quadro K4000, 4 compute units, 3072 MB global memory
max work group size 1024
max work item sizes [1024, 1024, 64]
max mem alloc size 768 MB
selected 0 cameras from 149 in 0.007 sec
Loading photos...
loaded photos in 0 seconds
Reconstructing depth...
finished depth reconstruction in 0.001 seconds
Device 1 performance: 0 million samples/sec (CPU)
Device 2 performance: 0 million samples/sec (Quadro K4000)
Generating dense point cloud...
selected 0 cameras in 0.001 sec
Finished processing in 0.145 sec (exit code 0)
>>> [/font]