A IT support man who built the computer set up the swap, so i don't know how it is done
However our setup is:
Processor- i7-4930k @ 3.7GHz
RAM - 64gb (not sure on speed but its over the standard 1600)
Graphics- GeForce GTX 770 (two of these)
SSD1 -220gb (dedicated only to SWAP space, however this is only 64gb full, sorry i'm not sure how this works, but you may get away with a smaller drive)
SSD2 -220gb(the "c" drive, photoscan and other programs installed here, if you want to save money i would ditch this drive in favor of a traditional hard drive)
Hard drive-1tb (used for storage of our jobs)
Motherboard - X79-UP4 (we got this one as it is capable of handling 3 graphics cards in case we want to upgrade with an extra in the future)
The whole system is liquid cooled as 10 hour runs on big jobs can produce some serious heat(our old machine would hit 75 Celsius which i'm told is not good.)
We will process 2000 photos of quarry surveys etc in under 15 hours without the need to split into chunks. Over 3000 photos i will split into chunks. Our camera is a Nex7 24mp, photos are typically taken with a GSD of 1.5cm.
I do not promise that you will get they same speeds with the same machine. Iv been at this for two years and found that a lot of getting speed out of photoscan is about the settings and what you want for an end result. it is very easy to overdo the processing with way to high settings.
What kind of price are you hoping for?