Thomas, try the demo of Professional version, set some markers that are clearly visible on photos, no too much, 4-6 on one photo clearly to recognize, square or cirlces. then try to connect them on photos, correct if some are not precise and procces the scene, it should help to recognize positions of camera and help in the process of reconstruction.
Shiny homogeneous surfaces are big problems, so you must use ways to go around it. another possible solution is to use self adhesive stamps, something like a chess board like or the ones in Calibration - that are clearly visible - consider in what resolution you shoot. this is like you project patterns over Projector, but simpler to achieve.... start with smaller part of car or what are you shoot, learn from that, and use on full model. Let us know if worked.
You should read a few principial things about Photogrametry so you can understand basic principes of the process, and overcome limitations - sometimes :-)
Here is a few pages about what is need to archieve, but understand this is another way, another proces of working with data, this process use everytime different pattern you MUST use the same on all photos.. just to have idea about how big-small should be patterns..