
Author Topic: export reduced dense point cloud  (Read 5334 times)


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export reduced dense point cloud
« on: May 08, 2015, 09:52:35 AM »
Good morning Everybody,

Can anyone help me? I want to export reduced dense cloud. I have 450 Million dense point cloud in my project.
I wonna build model. But I need to reduce the cloud in the some field of whole cloud. I wanted to get less point of ground and much points for the Building.

Should I at any time make extra chunks for the all detail? Or can I after all, export the reduced cloud in many field?

Best Regards


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Re: export reduced dense point cloud
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2015, 01:03:59 PM »
Currently there is no way to reduce the number of points in the Dense Cloud, apart from recontructing it at a lower setting.

I started a thread in the Feature Requests section for such a feature:

Edit: you can also use CloudCompare to reduce the point cloud, but there is no way to import the Dense Cloud back into Photoscan, so you would have to do the meshing outside Photoscan as well.

« Last Edit: May 08, 2015, 01:06:45 PM by marcel »


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Re: export reduced dense point cloud
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2015, 09:17:51 AM »
hi marcel,

Thank you so much. Last week I found that I can use the AutoCAD Navis Works. I wanted to simulate the dense cloud for the presentation. I didnt know which program is better. I´ve learned some settings in navis works.
Now i can filter on navis works and simulate the cloud.

Best regards