I have a project (attached) where PhotoScan appears to completely ignore my only ground control point (GCP). I would like to "force" PhotoScan to keep the error low at this point. This GCP is highly accurate. I do not understand why PhotoScan is ignoring this point.
I have triple checked that all of the following information is correct, although there is little documentation about appropriate units, etc., for PhotoScan's Ground Control options:
- Latitude and Longitude of every camera (in degrees)
- Altitude of the camera (in meters) defined with respect to the surface of the planet
- Latitude and Longitude of my single GCP (in degrees) which is highly accurate
- Altitude of the GCP (in meters) defined with respect to the surface of the planet, which is highly accurate.
- Focal length of each camera (mm)
- Pixel size (mm)
- Planetary coordination system (.prj file in WKT format) for Mercury
As you can see, when I incorporate my GCP into the bundle adjustment, PhotoScan Pro think's it is wrong and assigns it a HUGE error. My assigned value is 1832 m but PhotoScan believes it is 353250 m, that is roughly incorrect by a factor of 200!
This cannot be correct. Despite this, I am getting a very low re-projection error (<0.2 px).
What is going wrong here? Are these errors arising from the fact that I am using a different planetary coordinate system?