As a relatively crude check you could try listing the std-dev of the image pixel values for all of the images and then choosing the image with the highest value within a group of 3-5 around the intervals you want. e.g. if you have 15fps, choose the highest std-dev from frames 1,2,3 and again for 8,9,10 for every second.
On Windows for example:
List files in a directory
dir /b *.jpg >dir.txt
Using ImageMagick
convert @dir.txt -format "%f %[fx:standard_deviation]" info: > stats.txt
reb-UAV1-001.jpg 0.152147
reb-UAV1-002.jpg 0.156188
reb-UAV1-003.jpg 0.156777
reb-UAV1-004.jpg 0.152967 <- deliberately blurred image
reb-UAV1-005.jpg 0.164074
reb-UAV1-006.jpg 0.163621
reb-UAV1-007.jpg 0.162498
reb-UAV1-008.jpg 0.169952
reb-UAV1-009.jpg 0.16501