Hi Agisoft,
great work on new release!
Now in the Point Cloud Parameters appears
Point Cloud
Points 107,829 of 108,104
RMS reprojection error 0.188834 (0.938147 pix)
Max reprojection error 3.31482 (8.29758 pix)
Mean key point size 4.95552 pix
Effective overlap 2.619
What are the meaning of values in parenthesis for RMS reprojection error and Max reprojection error relative to first value?
And what does mean key point size represent?
Thanks in advance,
Hello pap1956,
PhotoScan matches images on different scales to improve robustness with blurred or difficult to match images. The accuracy of tie point projections depends on the scale at which they were located. PhotoScan 1.2 uses information about scale to weight tie point reprojection errors.
In the Reference pane settings dialog tie point accuracy parameter now corresponds to normalized accuracy - i.e. accuracy of tie point detected at the scale equal to 1. Tie points detected on other scales will have accuracy proportional to their scales. This helps to obtain more accurate bundle adjustment results.
In the chunk information dialog two reprojection errors are provided: the reprojection error in the units of tie point scale (this is the quantity that is minimized during bundle adjustment), and the old style reprojection error in pixels (for convenience).
The mean key point size value is a mean tie point scale averaged across all projections.