
Author Topic: get camera positions in models0.ply  (Read 4298 times)


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get camera positions in models0.ply
« on: August 12, 2015, 08:22:42 PM »

After running agisoft to get the dense cloud I end up with a models0.ply file, which I view in Meshlab.  I also export the cameras using agisoft and now want to create a ply file that I can import with the models0.ply file containing all of the dense points. I get the rotation matrix (R) and translation(t). for each camera how do I get its position to be in the same coordinate frame as models0.ply? I've tried where the camera position = t and where it is R * t, -R' * t, but these don't work.

Can someone help with this?



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Re: get camera positions in models0.ply
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2015, 08:35:21 PM »
Actually, I think I've figured this out, but please correct me if I'm doing anything wrong. I'm using the Rotation, translation and scale at the bottom of the doc.xml file output by Agisoft.
