i am a student working on a photogrammetry project for my thesis. i work
with a mobile-phone-camera with f4.3 .
for tests i wanted to use the results of your calibration program. i saw in
forum the link
how to use the coefficients K1,K2 and K3
so, you wrote:
K1, K2, K3 are used in units of focal length and to convert them into mm or
pixels their values need to be divided by fx(in mm or pix)^2 for K1, fx^4
for K2 and fx^6 for K3.
my focal length (x) for example is 3116 (pix) and my radial coefficients
are k1: 0,14... k2: -0,60... k3:0,72
is it right for k1: (0,14 / 3116)^2 or (0,14 / 3116^2) for example.
i am not really sure how to use the coefficients to get the right radial distortion.