
Author Topic: Coordinate system  (Read 6398 times)


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Coordinate system
« on: November 12, 2015, 12:30:18 PM »

I'm stay in viet nam, my country have many Projected Coordinate System. Projected Coordinate System for nation and  for each province but on the agisoft have only two nation below:
Projected Coordinate System: VN-2000 / UTM zone 48N (EPSG::3405)
Projection Method: Transverse Mercator
    Latitude of natural origin: 0
    Longitude of natural origin: 105
    Scale factor at natural origin: 0.9996
    False Easting: 500000
    False Northing: 0
Geographic Coordinate System: VN-2000 (EPSG::4756)
Geodetic Datum: Vietnam 2000 (EPSG::6756)
Ellipsoid: WGS 84 (EPSG::7030)
Prime Meridian: Greenwich (EPSG::8901)
Linear Units: metre (EPSG::9001)

Projected Coordinate System: VN-2000 / UTM zone 49N (EPSG::3406)
Projection Method: Transverse Mercator
    Latitude of natural origin: 0
    Longitude of natural origin: 111
    Scale factor at natural origin: 0.9996
    False Easting: 500000
    False Northing: 0
Geographic Coordinate System: VN-2000 (EPSG::4756)
Geodetic Datum: Vietnam 2000 (EPSG::6756)
Ellipsoid: WGS 84 (EPSG::7030)
Prime Meridian: Greenwich (EPSG::8901)
Linear Units: metre (EPSG::9001)

How i can change the Projected Coordinate System for each province

for example:

    Longitude of natural origin: 107 45
    Scale factor at natural origin: 0.9999

Can you hepl me?

Thank and best regards.

Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: Coordinate system
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2015, 01:39:11 PM »
Hello thoinghidi,

Do these coordinate systems have their own EPSG codes?

If not, you can export PRJ file from the the two mentioned, then open it in text editor, remove all AUTHORITY tags and modify the required parameters. Then load PRJ back to PhotoScan.
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC