
Author Topic: What is the best way of presenting data to customer (tools for geotif/models)?  (Read 10082 times)


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.kmz has a size limit that makes it unsuitable  for larger areas.
.geotiff is great for orthophoto/DEM , but beside QGIS , (which loads/shows the .tifs slowly when panned/zoomed and redraws whole area each time.
- the internal viewer is great for visualizing models.

Is there an better /more versatile toolset ?  /must be multiplatform.


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I've used the QGIS plugin called Qgis2threejs to help display data to customers.  The output is an html file that can be hosted on a website which is very convenient as well.  The plugin lowers the quality of the DEM and orthophoto quite a bit, but you can control what it does to a certain extent.


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Hi, this is Adam from 4DMapper. You can use 4DMapper to deliver any data including orthophotos, DSM/DEM, Pointclouds, shape files in 3D to your clients without any software. No need to create kmz/kml or use any external web server, all you need with 4Dmapper is to create a free account and upload your data, it will be processed and ready for instant sharing. It also have volume, profile, 4D timeline animated visualization and other 3D digitizing and live collaboration tools which makes it more sensible and easier for your clients to use your data all in one place and interact with others. Supported formats are Geotiff, ECW, Tif/tfw, Jpg/jgw, LAS/LAZ/E57, DSM/DEM, Shape files, HD Videos,  non geo-referenced rasters and very soon any file type and documents will be supported ...

Agisoft will have a direct uplaod to 4DMapper soon so you can simply upload your results from Agisoft and share it with your clients. For more details see or

« Last Edit: November 25, 2015, 12:31:37 AM by 4DMapper »


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Hi Adam, yes, I've actually seen 4Dmapper recently, but similar to another service like yours, it's pricing makes it completely useless for us.
100GB could be a short-term solution for a limited number of maps for few recent customers.
1TB would hold for a while, but is not even worth considering at $600/month.
Within few months we could get developed out own, self-hosted system. (and it seems like we are heading in that direction)


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Hi Andrekje,

As you mentioned the cost of using any reliable and high end hosting and streaming service compared with locally installed services is not cheap due to so many factors such as being accessible globally, security, scalability, band width limit and etc. 4DMapper is based on complex, scalable and secured AWS servers aiming to serve unlimited number of simultaneous users and processing multi format data which suits the need of small to very large enterprise companies and brings everything in one place from cloud based file sharing and collaboration comparable to Google Docs or Dropbox to streaming 3D contents comparable to Google earth and making use of data comparable to CAD or other basic GIS software.

With 50 or 100GB plan if you hit your quota limit you can simply archive your existing data by getting extra storage which is very cheap and make room for uploading new data. You can access your archived data any time if needed. Let me know if you need more information.

« Last Edit: November 25, 2015, 01:43:41 AM by 4DMapper »


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I gave it another thought, now I see that the monthly upload is too small for us.
The thing is, we provide very detailed maps at very low GSD, rather big areas, it's not given that the customer needs all that, but it is there if needed.  In an more active week this fall I generated >250GB of geotidff+DEM.
Should we go for the 100GB version, very few customers/target areas would be able to access their data at the same time, and 20GB monthly quota would make it impossible to upload more than a few flights anyway.  I just guess we are a bit ahead of the GSD most people are happy with.


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Ok, I didn't realize that your work exceeds >250GB p/w. We do have a custom solution and plan for this, please contact me directly at adam at