in the manual is stated the following (with regards to the building geometry step of the model):
"If the height field reconstruction method is applied, the red side of the bounding box will define the reconstruction plane. In this case make sure that the bounding box is correctly oriented."
I guess 'correctly oriented' means for aerial images: the horizontal plane?
But how can one know the horizontal plane at this stage. It is only known after the reference system is set by placing markers with known 3D-coordinates on the 3D model?
Does "correctly oriented" here merely means "more or less correctly oriented"? What could go wrong if the bounding box is not precisely horizontal?
another question: If I choose top XY when producing an orthophoto in Photoscan, will it project the 3D model on the red side of the bounding box, or on the z=0 plane from the reference system which is calculated from the coordinates of the markers? (probably the latter, but just asking to be sure.)
kind regards,