

How can I import separately aligned chunks (on different PC) into one single plz file?

How to import separately aligned and meshed chunks into one plz file?
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Can it be created one single plz file with point clouds and meshes processed and aligned on a couple of PC?
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Author Topic: Importing separately aligned chunks into one plz document  (Read 3857 times)


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Importing separately aligned chunks into one plz document
« on: December 24, 2015, 02:38:11 PM »

I am currently working on a project which is quite big and i had to separate it in chunks and align photos and chunks in different PC, so to be faster. I am struggling to understand how I can import now the aligned chunks into one plz file, which I will use for the dense point cloud and meshing phase? I did the alignment according to points and it is OK, but now I have to basically substitute the non-aligned chunks with the aligned ones from the different plz files.

Respectively, I will have to import also the different meshes at the end so to have one file with all the chunks aligned and meshed.

If anyone has experienced the same and has some advice it would be very useful. Thank you!


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Re: Importing separately aligned chunks into one plz document
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2015, 04:10:59 PM »
Create a new project. Then go to File -> Append -> select the projects which has all the individual chunks. They will be loaded into one project file.