
Author Topic: Loops and Sleeps in Python startup script  (Read 5514 times)


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Loops and Sleeps in Python startup script
« on: January 09, 2016, 08:02:29 PM »
I am currently trying to implemented queued render jobs using the Python scripting API but I am encountering some problems.

I want to be able to have a loop in the Python script which will check the queue over the network and retrieve which folder of images to process. The problem I have been having is that the Python scripts appear to run on the same thread as the GUI so when I use time.sleep() or continue looping when there are no jobs in the queue, the software becomes unresponsive and crashes.

Any suggestions would be helpful,



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Re: Loops and Sleeps in Python startup script
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2016, 01:00:40 PM »
Hi e.berkun-drevnig,

I’m doing the same with my script, but it does’t seems to be a problem for me. Why do you want to “use” the GUI at the same time with the script? The script runs as a “server” and it should be able to be started and stopped.
Sorry for my English…
Best regards,


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Re: Loops and Sleeps in Python startup script
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2016, 06:46:59 PM »
Thanks for the reply _mARCel_,

The reason I wanted to keep the GUI responsive is because after certain stages of processing I wanted to get manual user intervention, for example to clean up extra artifacts after aligning photos. I am glad to hear that someone else is using PhotoScan in the same way, would you be able to share your script? I imagine that the processing we are doing is probably different but the queuing stuff would be incredibly useful for me.



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Re: Loops and Sleeps in Python startup script
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2016, 03:32:31 PM »
Hi _mARCel_

Could you provide a minimal example of this?

Am i understanding it correct that you succesfull have an auto loaded script that runs in startup and then it loops checking for "jobs" in a queue.


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Re: Loops and Sleeps in Python startup script
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2016, 04:58:10 PM »

this is it:

Code: [Select]
import PhotoScan
import datetime
import glob
import os

A workflow to process multiple set of photos in Photoscan.
Expects a directory structure like this:
It will put a PhotoScan project file in the base of each directory named <directory>.psz.
All the photos from the <PhotosPdirectory> will be added to the project.
The workflow produces an fbx and texture for each directory, which will be placed in the export directory.
This script can be run multiple times to continue processing after a crashed or cancelled processing run. It
will skip stages that have already been completed.
class Profilskriptdlg(QtGui.QDialog):
def __init__(self, parent):

QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self, parent)
app = QtGui.QApplication.instance()
parent = app.activeWindow()
msg = "Hi!. Do you want to start the script?"
reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(parent, 'HSM-Profil-Skript V 1.0', msg, QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes, QtGui.QMessageBox.No)

if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes:
import PhotoScan, os
## Configuration
HomeDirectory = "D:\\Home" # Hier muss der Hauptpfad eingetragen werden.
PhotosDirectory = "Photos" # Hier sind jeweils die SfM-Fotos abgespeichert
ExportDirectory = "Export" # Hier werden jeweils u.a. Orthofotos abgespeichert
eingabe ="Please enter the prefix")

match_photos_config = {
'accuracy': PhotoScan.LowAccuracy, # Qualität Schritt 1: Low kann mit Medium oder High getauscht werden
'preselection': PhotoScan.NoPreselection,

build_point_cloud_config = {}

build_dense_cloud_config = {
'quality': PhotoScan.LowQuality # Qualität Schritt 1: Low kann mit Lowest, Medium, High oder UltraHigh getauscht werden

build_model_config = {
'surface': PhotoScan.Arbitrary,
'interpolation': PhotoScan.EnabledInterpolation

export_model_config = {
'binary': True,
'texture_format': "tif",
'texture': True,
'normals': True,
'colors': True,
'cameras': False,
'format': "fbx"

build_uv_config = {
'mapping': PhotoScan.GenericMapping

build_texture_config = {
'blending': PhotoScan.BlendingMode.AverageBlending, # Hier kann die
'color_correction': False,
'size': 4096


class WorkflowJob(object):
def __init__(self, name, precond_func, run_func): = name
self.precond_func = precond_func
self.run_func = run_func

def can_run(self, chunk):
return self.precond_func(chunk)

def run(self, chunk):
log( "Running job: " + )
return self.run_func(chunk)

# Logging

log_file = None
def log(msg):
global log_file
if log_file:

def open_log(path):
global log_file
log_file = open(os.path.join(path,'workflow.log'), 'w')

def close_log():
global log_file

def log_time():
log( )

# Utility functions

def does_project_exist(project_dir):
'Does the PhotoScan project file exist'
project_name = make_project_filename(project_dir, "psz")
return glob.glob(project_dir + "\\*.psz")

def are_cameras_aligned(chunk):
'Assume cameras are aligned if at least one of them have been moved.'
return len([c for c in chunk.cameras if is not None]) > 0

def export_file_exists(project_directory, format):
model_name = make_export_filename(project_directory, format)
return os.path.isfile( model_name )

def is_valid_project_dir( project_dir, photos_dir ):
"A valid project directory has a photos subdirectory."
return photos_dir.upper() in (d.upper() for d in os.listdir(project_dir))

def align_cameras(chunk):
'Aligns the cameras and returns whether it succeeded or not.'
return are_cameras_aligned(chunk)

def estimate_image_quality(photo):
return Photoscan.Utils.estimateImageQuality(photo)

def get_export_path(project_dir):
dir_name = os.path.basename(project_dir)
return os.path.join(project_dir, ExportDirectory)

def make_project_filename(project_dir, ext):
'Make a filename in the project directory with the given extension'
dir_name = os.path.basename(project_dir)
return os.path.join(project_dir,eingabe + dir_name + "." + ext);

def make_export_filename(project_dir, ext):
"Make a filename in the project's export directory"
dir_name = os.path.basename(project_dir)
export_path = get_export_path(project_dir)
return os.path.join(export_path, dir_name + "." + ext);

def export_model(chunk, project_directory, kwargs):
model_name = make_export_filename(project_directory, kwargs['format'])
return chunk.exportModel(model_name, **kwargs)

def export_texture(chunk, project_directory):
texture_name = make_export_filename(project_directory, "jpg")
return chunk.model.saveTexture(texture_name)

# Dumping

def dump_meta(meta, fp):
if meta and meta.keys:
fp.write(str(meta) + "\n")

def dump_camera_data(cam, fp):
dump_meta(cam.meta, fp)
fp.write("Photo Path: " + + "\n")
fp.write("Center: " + str( + "\n")

def log_chunk_data(chunk):
log("Number of cameras: {}".format(len(chunk.cameras)))
log("Cameras are aligned: {}".format(are_cameras_aligned(chunk)))
log("Has sparse cloud: {}".format(chunk.point_cloud is not None))
log("Has dense cloud: {}".format(chunk.dense_cloud is not None))
log("Has model: {}".format(chunk.model is not None))

def dump_chunk_data(chunk, fp):
fp.write("Number of cameras: {}\n".format(len(chunk.cameras)))
fp.write("Cameras are aligned: {}\n".format(are_cameras_aligned(chunk)))
fp.write("Has sparse cloud: {}\n".format(chunk.point_cloud is not None))
fp.write("Has dense cloud: {}\n".format(chunk.dense_cloud is not None))
fp.write("Has model: {}\n".format(chunk.model is not None))
fp.write("Camera offset: loc: {} rot: {}\n".format(chunk.camera_offset.location, chunk.camera_offset.rotation))
fp.write("Camera accuracy: {}\n".format(chunk.accuracy_cameras))
fp.write("Markers accuracy: {}\n".format(chunk.accuracy_markers))
fp.write("Projections accuracy: {}\n".format(chunk.accuracy_projections))
fp.write("Tie points accuracy: {}\n".format(chunk.accuracy_tiepoints))
dump_meta(chunk.meta, fp)

fp.write("Camera Info:\n")
[dump_camera_data(p, fp) for p in chunk.cameras]

def dump(doc):
'Write information about the PhotoScan.Document to a file'
print( "Dumping: " + doc.path)
fp = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(doc.path),'workflow.txt'), 'w')
dump_meta(doc.meta, fp)
dump_chunk_data(doc.chunk, fp)

# Project functions
while True:
def find_project_folders(home_dir, photos_dir):
'Find all the valid project folders in the home_dir'
subdirs = os.listdir(home_dir)
subdirs = [os.path.join(home_dir,sd) for sd in subdirs]
subdirs = [sd for sd in subdirs if os.path.isdir(sd)]
subdirs = [sd for sd in subdirs if is_valid_project_dir(sd, photos_dir)]
return subdirs

def open_project(project_dir):
log( "Opening project " + project_dir )
project_name = make_project_filename(project_dir, "psz")
doc = PhotoScan.Document()
if not project_name ):
log( "ERROR: Cold not open document: " + project_name)
return doc

def make_project(project_dir, photos_dir):
'Make a new project and add the photos from the photos_dir to it.'

log( "Making project " + project_dir )

doc = PhotoScan.Document() # Operate on a new document for batch proecssing
#doc = # Use the current open document in PhotoScan

# Add the photos to a chunk
chunk = doc.addChunk()
photos_dir = os.path.join( project_dir, photos_dir )
photos = os.listdir(photos_dir)
photos = [os.path.join(photos_dir,p) for p in photos]
log( "Found {} photos in {}".format(len(photos), photos_dir))
if not chunk.addPhotos(photos):
log( "ERROR: Failed to add photos: " + str(photos))

# Save the new project
project_name = make_project_filename(project_dir, "psz")
log( "Saving: " + project_name );
if not project_name ):
log( "ERROR: Failed to save project: " + project_name)

return doc

def make_or_open_project(project_dir, photos_dir):
if does_project_exist(project_dir):
return open_project(project_dir)
return make_project(project_dir, photos_dir)


def build(project_dir, photos_dir, jobs):
log( "Building document: " + project_dir )

doc = make_or_open_project(project_dir, photos_dir)

export_path = get_export_path(project_dir)
if not os.path.exists(export_path):

chunk = doc.chunk

if not chunk:
log( "ERROR: Chunk is None")
return False

if not chunk.enabled:
log( "Chunk not enabled, skipping" )

# For use by jobs
chunk.label = project_dir

for job in jobs:
if job.can_run( chunk ):
if chunk ):
log( "Job finished - " + )
log( "ERROR: Job failed - " + )
return False
log( "Skipping job " + )

log( "Finished building chunk" )

return True

# Workflow jobs

match_photos_job = WorkflowJob(
"Match photos",
lambda chunk: not are_cameras_aligned(chunk),
lambda chunk: chunk.matchPhotos(**match_photos_config)

align_cameras_job = WorkflowJob(
"Align Cameras",
lambda chunk: not are_cameras_aligned(chunk),
lambda chunk: align_cameras(chunk)

build_point_cloud_job = WorkflowJob(
"Build point cloud",
lambda chunk: not chunk.point_cloud,
lambda chunk: chunk.buildPoints(**build_point_cloud_config)

build_dense_cloud_job = WorkflowJob(
"Build dense cloud",
lambda chunk: not chunk.dense_cloud,
lambda chunk: chunk.buildDenseCloud(**build_dense_cloud_config)

build_model_job = WorkflowJob(
"Build model",
lambda chunk: not chunk.model,
lambda chunk: chunk.buildModel(**build_model_config)

build_uv_job = WorkflowJob(
"Build UV",
lambda chunk: not chunk.model.texture(),
lambda chunk: chunk.buildUV(**build_uv_config)

build_texture_job = WorkflowJob(
"Build texture",
lambda chunk: not chunk.model.texture(),
lambda chunk: chunk.buildTexture(**build_texture_config)

export_model_job = WorkflowJob(
"Export model",
lambda chunk: chunk.model and not export_file_exists(chunk.label, export_model_config['format']),
lambda chunk: export_model( chunk, chunk.label, export_model_config )

export_texture_job = WorkflowJob(
"Export texture",
lambda chunk: chunk.model.texture() and not export_file_exists(chunk.label, export_model_config['texture_format']),
lambda chunk: export_texture( chunk, chunk.label )


open_log( HomeDirectory )

log( "--- Starting workflow ---" )
log( "Photoscan version " + PhotoScan.Application().version )
log( "Home directory: " + HomeDirectory )

project_dirs = find_project_folders(HomeDirectory, PhotosDirectory)
log( "Found {} project directories".format( len(project_dirs) ) )

log( "Making projects" )

jobs = (

[build(pd, PhotosDirectory, jobs) for pd in project_dirs]

log( "--- Finished workflow ---")
time.sleep(20) # Nach Abschluss des Skripts d.h. alle Ordner sind durchsucht und *.psz erstellt worden, wartet dann Skript 20 Sekunden bevor es neu startet. (Sleep for 20sec)
def main():

global doc
doc =

app = QtGui.QApplication.instance()
parent = app.activeWindow()

dlg = Profilskriptdlg(parent)"ArchaeoTools/Server", main)
The "raw" script of this is from johnsietsma!!!
I use it for creating orthophotos of archaeological profiles.
If you have some questions simply ask.

Best regards,


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Re: Loops and Sleeps in Python startup script
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2016, 02:00:04 AM »
Thank you so much Marcel, this will be very helpful for me when I am implementing something similar