I am running the Linux version in VirtualBox with a Windows host and I have a misbehavior with the Python Document.save function on 1.2.2 (not present in 1.1).
For the purpose of the test I only load images from a VirtualBox shared folder (so images are located on the Windows host) and try to save the project through the console pane.
I can save a project a but then PhotoScan displays the project as "Untitled*" and I have to reload the project otherwise it alerts me that some modifications are not saved when I try to close the software. Then, after every saved modification, I have the same behavior.
>>> doc.save('/media/sf_share/PS_tests/test_save.psx', chunks = doc.chunks)
2016-01-13 11:18:01 Saving project...
2016-01-13 11:18:01 saved project in 0.033142 sec
2016-01-13 11:18:01 Finished processing in 0.035386 sec (exit code 1)
>>> doc.save('/media/sf_share/PS_tests/test_save.psz', chunks = doc.chunks)
2016-01-13 11:18:23 Saving project...
2016-01-13 11:18:23 saved project in 0.241083 sec
2016-01-13 11:18:23 Finished processing in 0.244619 sec (exit code 1)
Also, is it intended that the save function does not work with relative path anymore?