Hi All
I'm working on a larger project at the moment and am trying to get a better practical understanding of aligning and merging chunks.
Original project (well the first 1/3 of it) is ~1200 cameras which I've split into 8 chunks of 200. The model essentially follows a winding path, so each chunk has an overlap of about 50 cameras with the previous chunk for alignment. I've done a couple of quick tests and the alignment works pretty well but I'm wondering what the best process is for generating the dense cloud.
Is it better to create a dense cloud of each chunk and merge them, or merge the aligned chunks and then create the dense cloud? Is either quicker?
If I create dense clouds of each chunk, there will be sections at the end of each chunk of increasing noise. Each join between chunks would then have two sections of increased noise either side of the join which wouldn't be there if a dense cloud were created from all of the images at once.... but is doing the dense cloud with all images practical (time vs. quality)
Bits of the project are here:
https://sketchfab.com/uomdigitisation/folders/william-ricketts-sanctuary I'm attempting to make a point cloud of the entire reserve including detailed sculptures. Early tests are looking very promising but it's my first attempt at a significantly larger point cloud. Any suggestions/advice gratefully accepted.
PS. Loving the 1.2 update.