
Author Topic: Physical Geodynamic modeling(4D modeling) - BSc Thesis  (Read 3221 times)


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Physical Geodynamic modeling(4D modeling) - BSc Thesis
« on: February 18, 2016, 07:12:12 PM »

My name is Meije, i am a 3rd year Geo-science student at the University of Utrecht. For my BSc-thesis i am going to do physical geodynamic modeling, in a nutshell a "cake" with many layers representing rock layers is made and deformed with hydraulic presses. My goal is to create a 3D dynamic model of the experiment(4D=3D+time) that can be viewed with a VR(HTC vive) headset. I am familiar with making 3D models in Agisoft from images taken from a UAV's but those models are static. I have heard about the "Agisoft 4D timeline toolkit" but i have no experience with this. I am reading information about videoframmetry by taking multiple cameras and essentially making a 3D model of each frame or intervals of frames. Video has less resolution than images so the resolution of the dynamic 3D models will also be less.
Taking many photos each second with a still photogrammetry rig and making a 4D model of these images will have higher resolution but lower framerate, 30fps is cool but not really necessary, is it possible to do this with Agisoft?. Also can anybody please give me information on how such a setup would work and what resources/tutorials are there so that i can learn how to do this in Agisoft?.
Thank you!
