
Author Topic: Any idea why my mesh looks so terrible? It has 300+ pictures...  (Read 11398 times)


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Here is the dense cloud and mesh, any idea why it looks so bad? It has some very close up pictures of the rails etc etc. The texture seems to be low resolution as well. 800k polys


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Re: Any idea why my mesh looks so terrible? It has 300+ pictures...
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2016, 09:05:59 PM »
The fence/railing is probably lost in the depth filtering stage as it is so fine and the source images likely show more of what is behind the railing than the railing itself. Scanning and reconstructing very fine/thin details like this is notoriously difficult. You could try choosing a different depth filtering setting under advanced options in workflow -> build mesh and see how it helps, maybe on a smaller area first to save wasting much time!

The model you show doesn't have any texture, only vertex colours, you need to perform workflow -> build texture.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2016, 09:09:53 PM by James »


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Re: Any idea why my mesh looks so terrible? It has 300+ pictures...
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2016, 09:32:50 PM »
Hey there thanks for quick reply. Could I just model railing separately and then somehow bake the texture into them? Or retopologize the entire model, and then bake the textures? I want to have quite sharp edges, but I don't want to manually stich pictures and create texture that way. I would love the agisoft to make my textures and then I would retopo the model myself, is there a good workflow for that? Thank you

Also any idea what's going on with the shadows underneath? I have some good under shots, but this is what I am getting. Anyway to fix this?
« Last Edit: March 02, 2016, 09:41:51 PM by johnnynapalmsc »


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Re: Any idea why my mesh looks so terrible? It has 300+ pictures...
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2016, 01:49:38 PM »
You can export the model in your favorite 3D software, modify it, remesh it or completely reduild it to have sharp edges.
Unwrap the UV with no overlap.
Re-import it into photoscan and generate the texture with the option 'keep UV'
and voilĂ  !

During the process be sure to not change the position and scale of the model.
Fred Lucazeau - Body Scan -
Sketchfab gallery:


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Re: Any idea why my mesh looks so terrible? It has 300+ pictures...
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2016, 04:26:46 PM »
And i've just realised my answer was largely nonsense as depth filtering is done during dense cloud generation, not mesh building, but still i'm sure that's something to do with it...

like fluca said yes you can export mesh and modify and unwrap all you like before bringing it back to photoscan to apply the texture from the cameras. I generally use blender or 3dreshaper personally as they are what i have access to.

don't know what's happening underneath. Is it reconstructed in the dense cloud ok? When you say shadows, i take it you mean the extrapolated and bulging mesh, rather than the actual shadows cast by the bridge in the sun?


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Re: Any idea why my mesh looks so terrible? It has 300+ pictures...
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2016, 12:17:29 AM »

You could try importing the Dense Cloud into CloudCompare and create the mesh there.
I've found it helpful when I had leaves which got filtered out due to being too thin when creating mesh in Photoscan.

Best, Magnus. 


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Re: Any idea why my mesh looks so terrible? It has 300+ pictures...
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2016, 08:55:35 AM »
Accurate surface placement with a poisson surface reconstruction typically uses settings that do not reproduce thin segments very well.   In CloudCompare you would normally set the point weight to 0. Using a point weight of 1 will help. Higher values will usually produce excessive bulging.