
Author Topic: Mesh exported from Zbrush is imported in a different position from the original  (Read 9311 times)


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Hello I have been trying to apply the texture to a model that I have cleaned up in zbrush. Here is my workflow:
1) export from photoscan
2) import into zbrush
3) Resculpt areas of the mesh
4) use decimation master to lower the polycount
5) use zremesher to create organized polys in the right places
6) use uv master to create a clean uv map
7) export from zbrush
9) import into photoscan

Now this is where everything goes wrong. On import the model is placed in a different position, even though I did not touch any translation/rotate/scale tools.

What is happening?
« Last Edit: October 03, 2015, 09:07:57 AM by jokyfoot »


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Actually i have this problem and i cant find a way to solve it. Can you help me please?


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what version of zbrush are you using?
in 4R6 it occurs all the time and the trick that sometime work what to import mesh, reset scale and position, re-import it into the same subtool and should be good
however sometimes the scale is not adapted to ZB tools and you finish having a very small tool even with the larger size
it seems to be fixed in 4R7
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