Hello everyone, i'm a student in digital imaging and i have to work on a photoscan project. The purpose of this project is to extract one part of my point cloud but i'm confronted with an issue : i can not access to the tuple of 2D coordinates returned by the function project in the PhotoScan.Cameras class. The sent-back message is the one in the title. I'm new to the python community and to the photoscan's aswell, and i'm french so please be the kindest you can
Thank you in advance, and sorry for my english
There is my code :
for index_cam in range(0, len(cameras)):
image = cameras[index_cam].photo.image()
height = image.height
width = image.width
path = cameras[index_cam].photo.path
for index_points in range(0, len(selected_points)):
project = cameras[index_cam].project(selected_points[index_points].coord)
if (0 <= project[0] <= image.width and 0 <= project[1] <= image.height and index_points == len(selected_points) - 1):