I'm trying to resize my region with a new center, size and rotation. I read all topics that are on this forum but could not get a conclusive answer on this. Setting the center is going okay, but changing the size or doing the rotation proves a problem.
about the size: my images are referenced in epsg:4326 so in LatLon. my chunk also has this reference system. i set the size to half the bounding box width and half the bounding box height, which are:
x y
0.001210391 0.00532877
These do not correspond at all with the x and y sizes of the chunk region, which are about 20 and 35. Which function do I need to apply to get to the correct values? I calculated s with the script as given in
http://wiki.agisoft.com/wiki/Bounding_Box_to_Coordinate_System.pybut in this s is 44 so still no way to get to the right value.
about the rotation matrix:
I want to rotate my bounding box with +4 degrees from true north but i have no idea how to first set the bounding box to true north and second how to rotate it 4 degrees.