I as well get frequent out of memory errors, with 196 gigs of ram..

Here's a few suggestions based on the 0.9.0 version..
the issue I have, is since the longest part of the process is the depth generation, it's great that now you can re-use depth data, but the problem is you CAN'T re-use it if you change reconstruction resolution, for example. I do a Ultra High reconstruction, takes 2 days to process the depth, then fails on geometry build... great so I really can't do much except switch to High setting, or lower but switching to another level photoscan has to re-build the depth data... would be great if you could preserve the "ultra high" depth data since it's there, and now worthless...
few other things that would be nice, is full picture display of depth, right now it's on the thumbnails only.. and even that there is depth data generated when you right click and want to export depth, photoscan once again has to rebuild the depth.....

shouldn't it just export what took 2 days to generate in the first place?