Hello guys
I am fairly new to photogrammetry and am hoping to learn from some of the more experience gents and ladies here, and hopefully be able to contribute to the community one day.
The problem I am having is when I export an orthomosaic (Steps taken: align pictures -> create dense cloud -> build mesh (height field) -> build texture -> create DEM -> create orthomosaic) to a .tif file, I seem to get many small holes throughout the image (please see attachments below).
I was wondering if it is possible to close these holes (mesh-> close holes don't work for me) by somehow taking the surrounding texture to fill it, as a small blur in those areas would be better to me than a hole.
I uploaded the same photo set to mapsmadeeasy and they seem to be able to build the ortho without holes, so I do know it is possible.
If anyone knows how to do the above, any feedback would be greatly appreciated
I also have a second, unrelated question. My camera is able to take a type of RAW format, DNG, and I was wondering how this file type can be processed with photoscan. It seems photoscan cannot read .DNG files directly but I was wondering if there was a workaround to getting .DNG files usable with photoscan.
Thank you for your time,