Thank you for providing the sample dataset.
I've added more accurate masks to the images and got the photos aligned, I've sent the project file to you by e-mail.
There are some general recommendations that I'd like to share to improve your next projects (also might be helpful for the others):
- try to use the image space more effectively, now only about 10% of the image space is used;
- use lower ISO to minimize the noise level;
- also check the aperture and focusing, as the images are not very sharp and the details on the surface are blurred,
- try to improve the lighting conditions and use more soft and uniform light, currently the same areas on the object's surface appears to be dark and bright on different photos, that may affect not only the final texture, but also the alignment process;
- keeping the same focal length for the whole shooting set is recommended, though the use of the different focal length in the same project is acceptable;
- mask creation can be automated in case for every fixed camera position you take the "empty" image of the background only without the object, then you'll be able to use Tools Menu -> Import Masks -> From Background option to generate the masks automatically.