
Author Topic: New in 1.2.5  (Read 8906 times)


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New in 1.2.5
« on: June 25, 2016, 04:14:41 PM »
1 the new version is not announced by Photoscan and it even says the 1.2.4 is the latest after having installed 1.2.5
2 the colour numbers displayed are weird. the lower limit is expresed as exponential in mm and the upper in meters.
3 the layer property for shapes is too hidden. and all new shapes are assignet to no layer even if one highligts a layer... in my humble opinion the current implementation it is almost useless as is but still I say welcome to steps towards a built in simple CAD
4 the ruler readout resolution seems to be linked to zoom level during its use, but it's behaviour with this regard is not completely consistent. You should aslo make clear if the distance displayed is sloped or horizontal. A more complete measure tool would be highly welcome as well as having cursor coordinates displayed somewhere.
5 I MISS the CAMERA LOCATIONS PAGE in report. It is a very important one.
Thanks for the great additions and carry on improving Photoscan

Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: New in 1.2.5
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2016, 04:28:22 PM »
Hello José,

Maybe you can provide additional comments on the mentioned issues?

2. Which dialog you are speaking about, maybe you can take a screenshot?

3. You can move single shape and multiple selected shapes to another layer using Properties window where it should be quite easy to select existing layer or create a new one.

4. Do you mean that more significant digits should be displayed? The ruler tool itself measures the shortest distance between user-selected points.

5. Camera locations page is included to the report file only if there are any checked cameras in the Refenence pane.
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC


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Re: New in 1.2.5
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2016, 06:37:58 PM »
sorry for not being clear:
2 I'm talking about the color scale legend
3 Why do one need to move a drawn feature to a certain layer? I'd rather prefer to draw it directly in the "active" layer. If you had to draw 400 polylines or polygons, you dont want to have to select them later one by one and use the properties dialog to move them to a layer.
4 yes. it seams that if you are zoomed out, the distance is rounded to m, and one needs to zoom in quite a bit to read distances in cm. But if the user wants to measure a long distance accurately and zooms in at the two ends to pick caregully the end points, the distance shown will be round to meters too. It could be nice too to allow several rulers to keep visible until user resets the view.
I'd also would ask you to allow measuremento of horizontal distance (HD) as well as it makes sense to be allowed to read diference in elevation (Vertical Distance).
Suggestion: Why don't you add a sort of ribbon overlayed on the lower border of the view window and superimpose the SD, HD and VD, as well as ruler azimut?
In case of a multipoint measurement, the segments could be labeled at their center point with the HD while the ribbon would show accumulatives HD, SD and VD
5 you are right, I unchecked comera coordiantes for a while and forgot to check prior to generate report.


Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: New in 1.2.5
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2016, 05:57:16 AM »
Hello José,

Thank you for more detailed comments, we'll try to fix the issues and improve the convenience of some instruments in the next update.
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC

Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: New in 1.2.5
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2016, 03:30:13 PM »
Hello José,

2nd Issue (color bar) has been fixed in the latest 1.2.5 build (available for download)

3rd issue (shape layers, default layer) also has been fixed, now you can create new layers directly from the Workspace and also set up the default layer there - all new shapes will be added to the default layer, so no need to manually assign the layer for each new shape.

as for the 4th issue, the detailed result is available in the Console pane, while the values in the Model view are rounded.
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC