Is there any way that Photoscan could juggle these variables iteratively and refine to an 'ideal' result over time?
I've always found it quite counter-intuitive that I have to find this ideal balance of variables myself.
I've increasingly tended to run with no Tie Point limit, and a fairly high Key Point limit.
I then duplicate the chunk, use gradual selection, and then Optimise Cameras, and so on, iteratively.
The only problem is you need to do a 'quick' dense reconstruction to check that there are enough Tie Points left for the dense reconstruction to work on all cameras... since there is no check (that I'm aware of) when Tie Point levels drop too low on a per-camera basis.
Couldn't all this be done automatically somehow? A way to get the very best camera position reconstructions and Tie Points, but without reducing them too much so dense point reconstructions can't work?
And/or warning that dense point reconstructions will not be accurate enough on specific camera image pairs?
As always, I find solutions, it just seems quite manually intensive and slow iterations when I feel that an automatic algorithm could achieve the same given some processing time?