Hello again, i doing a bit more searching on this and im wondering if it would be possible to use a different projection system to achive the desired results.
I have the data used by Trimble Business Center to do surveys on the mine site local grid
It seem that, as mention above, the rotation is not a function of the transverse Mercator projection, but there are other mercator projections that might be able to do the rotations
On the Survey Logger the data in in 4 section for the local min grid (angles are in DMS)
Section 1- Projection
Type: Transverse Mercator
False Northing: 11972.950
False Easting: 8987.834
Origin Lat: 53 40 52.58768N
Origin Long: 6 42 39.72438W
Scale Factor 1.000166700
Semi-Major Axis: 6378137.000
Flattening: 298.2572229329
Use Shift Grid: NO
Coordinates: Grid
Project Height: 1600
Section 2- Datum Transformation
Type: Three Parameter
Semi-Major Axis: 6378137.0
Flattening: 298.2572229329
Translation X: 0.0
Translation Y: 0.0
Translation Z: 0.0
Section 3- Horizontal Adjustment
Type: Plane
Origin North: 12312.624
Origin East: 8993.824
Translation North: -4.141
Translation East: -59.232
Rotation: -10 01 31.260633
Scale Factor: 1.00000199
Section 1- Vertical Adjustment
Type: Inclined Plane
Origin North: 11972.952
Origin East: 8987.826
Slope North: 0.000ppm
Slope East: 0.000ppm
Constant Adjustment : 1477.519
I found this
http://docs.opengeospatial.org/is/12-063r5/12-063r5.html what explains the different parameters of the projections and there uses, at the bottom of the page
But from my looking maybe we can use a Hotine Oblique Mercator (variant A) or (variant B) to achieve the desired results.
If anyone out there has some understanding of these, maybe their is some help you can give