Thank you for the hint, Alexey.
When I started with photogrammetry several weeks ago, I made many mistakes during shooting. The resulting models were full of errors and hard to work with.
Now that i have learned the basic principles, I am still unsure about how many pictures are required and usefull and where the border is to too many pictures / not useful anymore or even counter-productive.
I will attach some more details to the miniature church model, which took so long during depth filtering. Perhaps there are some rules of thumb for the amount of images for a 360° oblique circle? For nadir images, I use 80/60% overlap. Here in this small scale test scene, I just took a tripod with wireless trigger on my DSL-R.
In a next step, I would like to reduce the noise from the point cloud, which is getting more prominent with higher settings as seen in the screenshots below. My attempts with meshlab failed (programm takes more than 24h without any progress bar visible and crashes). Cloud Compare seems to only classify points. Is there an affordable tool for this in between step (de-noise of dense point clouds)?
I have already created a
highly reduced and optimized model for sketchfab with fast loading times in mind. Now i would like to create a more detailed version at around 200k poly and a normal map from the ultra high dense cloud.
Best regards,