I am VERY new to this, but am having the same (or at least similar) issues. Please let me know if I am just missing a crucial step to the process or something.
My problem (I have already created the orthomosaic, the mesh, and the dense point cloud):
When I try to export the sparse cloud to PDF, it processes for a few seconds and the PDF file is large enough, but (using the most current Adobe Creative Cloud software) I only see a small "?" in the corner of the screen and no actual data.
When I try to export the dense cloud to PDF, it processes for a while (half an hour maybe?) and gets to 100%, but stays at 100% for a few hours. When I give up and cancel the process, the PDF file is very large, but there is only a "?" on the screen - no data.
When I try to export the 3D Model to PDF, it only processes for a few seconds, then gives me the same "?" in the corner (tiling does not help).
My system:
Dual Intel Xeon E5-2620 v3 2.4GHz processors
634 GB Ram
Dual Nvidia Quadro M4000 GPUs
My program:
I am using Agisoft PhotoScan Pro Version 1.2.6 build 2834 (64 bit)
the Dense Cloud has 276,860,440 points
There are 161 aligned cameras
Thank you for any input.