In 9.x the bounding box around the model is better constrained than in 8.x. For me, this means that orthophoto and DSM extent is fine immediately after rebuilding geometry following GCP input.
I would like to be able to add an option to batch export orthoimagery and DSMs. It would save me a lot of time if I could do this for all of my project chunks in batch.
If the batch dialog had options to automatically calculate extent, define pixel size (default is ground sampling resolution) and automatically split into blocks if X or Y dimension is too big, that would be nice. But pre-specified x/y boundaries would be ok too. Output directory could be specified in batch. filename could default to chunk name (plus extension if multiple blocks, auto-increment if exists)
Right now, I spend a lot of time waiting for orthos and RGB averaged images to generate from each chunk of my models. In some ways it takes longer than even the GCP entry and I often waste time because I don't immediately start generating the next orthophoto or DSM when the previous one completes.
Day 1
1. create chunks and import photos (0.5 - 1 hr)
2. run batch process to align photos and build model geometry (12 hr)
3. manually enter GCPs for each chunk (3-4 hr)
Day 2
4. optimize alignment
5. run batch process to rebuild geometry (~6-8 hr)
Day 3
6. manually export imagery and DSMs for each chunk (half day of clicking and waiting)