Hello all fellow Agisoft users, I have spoken to Alexey about the idea of a 3DSMax style Gizmo control for Agisoft scenes, specifically for Characters. But I wanted to see if others though it might be useful. This is also useful for buildings, objects and human capture in general.
At the moment there is no real easy way for users to specify custom Chunk Orientation, Position and Scale ready to export for external applications as we currently have no extrinsic calibration data. Also many external application have their own ways and scales for importing, which is a pain.
Such a Gizmo UI control would be so powerful, as it would allow users to set the position in space, the orientation and scale ready to export correctly to any applications. We can then use the various Chunk Alignment tools to re-align other similar chunks or .psz scenes, using markers or camera alignment.
At the moment it is very arbitrary, scale can be set using Markers, which is OK but orientation and position is very hard to do. Position impossible I think.
Perhaps the 3 axis (x,y,z) Gizmo control would have known scale sizes for each axis, or we can set it's scale from centre to end points as 1cm, 10 cm, 50cm etc Or we can physically scale the Gizmo in size to match reference in the scene, i.e. markers or known geometry size and the Gizom is set to a certain size like 1cm, 10cm, 50cm etc