Using average blending mode, often the edges of photos can be apparent in the final texture if there were changes in lighting.
Would it be possible to implement a 'weighted' average blend mode, where the weight is 1 for non masked areas, 0 for masked areas and the 'area' outside the image, and a user defined gradient ,i.e. number of pixels, between the two. The gradient should begin at the edge of the mask/image so that masked areas do not begin to re-appear.
I think this should at least soften the egdes? Or any other algorithm to achieve the same result!
I tried doing this myself by blurring my masks in photoshop, but these are always converted to black/white on import.
Mosaic blend seems to do a better job of blending joins between photos, but because I have such changes in lighting (I didn't take the images!) average mode is better at creating a uniform 'light distribution'.
Currently using 0.90 pre-release 1534 pro 64 bit.